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There’s something special about receiving a Legacy by Lewis engagement ring. Whether it's for your first engagement or a ring celebrating years of an exceptional marriage, a Legacy ring will become something you will cherish for a lifetime. It is a spectacular proclamation of your love for one another. It is why we have our name on it.

These stunning diamond rings have been influenced by multiple generations of the Lewis family. And now you can be part of our Legacy Club. Join the few who appreciate the beauty, who understand the exceptional, and who aspire to join something truly extraordinary.

Begin your legacy. 
These couples have begun theirs.


Sarah Kate and Landon

I first noticed Landon during his time on the Bachelorette. We shared mutual friends on social media, and despite the distance between us -— I lived in Louisiana and he in Houston — our conversations blossomed. When he invited me to dinner at North Italia in the Galleria area, I was nervous yet excited, even though it meant a four-hour drive for our first date.

Dressed to impress, we met for dinner and there was an instant unexplainable connection between us. At that stage in our lives, neither of us was actively seeking a relationship, yet the timing felt perfect—almost as if fate had intervened. I'll never forget the pivotal moment during that dinner. Landon excused himself, heading to the bathroom, where he spent quite some time. Later, he confided in me that it was in that very moment, overwhelmed with emotion, he realized I was the one he wanted to spend his life with. Tears welled up in his eyes, and it was a testament to the depth of our connection.

Elaina and Daniel

Elaina and I's story is a tale entwined with Coogs and Christ. We both attended the University of Houston around similar times (she was Class of '21, while | was Class of '19), and we both knew of each other for over 6 years through a mutual friend. However, it wasn't until a bright, warm Sunday morning in March of 2022, that I accidentally bumped into Elaina Roher after a church service. After a couple of more “accidental” encounters at church, we delayed no more and started dating shortly thereafter.

Since then, I have had the blessing of journeying through the past 17 months (filled with a lot of Houston Cougars Basketball) with someone who embodies the patience and compassion of Jesus Christ. There is not another person on this Earth, with whom I want to spend the rest of my life, than Elaina Nealie Roher.


Payton and JD

Our love story began during our junior year at Texas A&M University, when JD unexpectedly approached Payton at the library. From that moment on, their eagerness to get to know each other grew. Payton confided in one of JD's close friends about her newfound crush and was now on a mission to secure an invitation to his Men's Organization's upcoming Semi formal. The plan succeeded, and the two of them attended the event and had the best time. 

Following the formal, JD wasted no time in asking Payton out on a date, marking the official start of their relationship on April 19th, 2022. The two of them loved many character qualities about each other, but the one that stood out most was their love and desire to chase after Jesus Christ. With faith as their cornerstone, their dating journey was marked by whole hearted service to each other. Post graduation, JD pursued his dream of attending medical school at UT Southwestern, while Payton secured a position in commercial insurance sales at Gallagher, both now residing in Dallas. 

On November 4th, 2023, JD orchestrated a day filled with exciting activities for Payton, leading her to believe that an engagement was imminent. Despite a slight disappointment after going throughout the day with no ring, JD managed to still surprise her. She arrived at his house later that evening to discover a note and a dress laid out for her. After a quick change, she was brought to a pier by the lake near JD's home, where a beautiful setup of flowers and candles awaited. With a heartfelt proposal, there was never any doubt that the answer would be YES. JD and Payton are immensely grateful for the sovereignty and kindness of the Lord, not only on that unforgettable day but throughout their entire dating relationship. They have deep confidence that His guidance will continue to bless their union as they embark on the journey of becoming husband and wife.

Keila and Christian

We met during our senior year of high school. I was the new kid at school and Keila came up to me one day after baseball workouts and said, "You may not know me yet, but I'm going to be your best friend!" From that day forward, we were best friends! 

After high school we went our own ways to college and it wasn't until after our first year of college that I knew I couldn't be without her. We were still best friends at the time and she mentioned to me that she was going on a date with another guy, it was then that I told her I liked her and didn't want her to go on a date with someone else. To her response, she said, “Now you want to tell me you like me!?" 

That day was the start of us and from there we never looked back! We have been together for more than 8 years now and it was the best decision to get out of the friend zone!

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Sarah Beth and Max

Even though they are both from Houston, Max and Sara Beth did not meet until their Sophomore year of college at Texas Christian University. Sara Beth had a sorority formal, and her best friend recommended Max to be her date. It was a perfect match - Max was on the football team and Sara Beth was on the dance team. They have been together ever since.

They were recently engaged on July 14, 2023 and will be married on their 6 year anniversary, October 5, 2024, in Austin, Texas.

Ryan and Kris

Kris and I met online actually! It started with a month of texts and phone calls, but after our first date, we knew this was destined for something greater. We quickly learned the advantages and challenges of blending a family, with her 2 boys and my 2 girls and 1 boy.

Kris grew up in Northern California and was an avid hiker, so my big idea for a proposal was to go to Colorado just after our 1 year anniversary to find her a beautiful Mountain View to pair with such a beautiful engagement ring. Both delivered splendidly!


Rachel and Joseph

Deep in the heart of Texas, Rachel from Pennsylvania and Joseph from New Jersey crossed paths. Fate wove their destinies together in the city of Houston, where their love blossomed like the most exquisite of gemstones.

It all began with a simple Italian dinner, where the gentle notes of a live pianist set the stage for their love. It was during this very dinner that Joseph recreated their very first date.

Amidst the savory flavors and dulcet sounds, he surprised Rachel with a heartfelt proposal that left her breathless. Their hearts swelled with joy as they sealed their love, just as they had on that very first date, in a bar filled with laughter and the sweet promise of a future together.

Their love story will reach its pinnacle on July 24th, 2024, at the breathtaking Glacier National Park. With only their closest confidants, their parents, by their side, Rachel and Joseph will embark on a journey into wedded bliss while surrounded by the majesty of nature.

Blaine and Trevor

Blaine and Trevor's journey began in 2013, when fate brought them together on the enchanting night of New Year's Eve. It was the start of a romance that unfolded over the past three and a half years, marked by shared moments, laughter, and a deepening connection. On a radiant January 5th, against the backdrop of a stunning mountain in Grand Lake, Colorado, Trevor chose the perfect moment to propose to Blaine. The sun illuminated their path as he popped the question, setting the stage for a lifetime of love and companionship. 

As the year draws to a close, Blaine and Trevor eagerly anticipate stepping into the New Year as a newly christened Mr. & Mrs., ready to embrace the adventures that await them.


Kylea and Kyle

Kylea and Kyle met in the 6th grade at Creekside Intermediate School where they dated for about a weeks time. All throughout middle school and high school Kylea and Kyle stayed super great friends, being there for each other when needed. As senior prom approached in high school they promised each other if they didn't have dates to prom they would go with each other. When prom came around they both coincidentally didn't have dates so they went together. After senior prom, they spent all of their time together and wound up dating. A few years into their love story Kyle proposed to Kylea on a beach in Florida and the rest is history!

Kari and Cameron

Cameron and I met in May of 2021. On our first date, we realized we had a lot of mutual friends and were surprised we had never met before. We went on a few dates, but, life, school, and work got in the way of us becoming anything more than friends. A year later, we reconnected, picking up right where we left off.

After a couple of months of dating, we knew that we loved each other and couldn't picture a life without us being together. Over the last year we've had so many great moments including; meeting each other's families for the first time, traveling to Arizona together, going to both of our family ranches, sunset dates, and many more. It's been one of the best years of our lives.

On October 21st, we were fishing at my family's ranch competing to see who could catch the most, when Cameron got down on one knee and said, “For my final catch, will you marry me?” Of course, I said "YES!" The moment was perfect. Cameron surprised me with the most beautiful ring from Lewis. We are both so grateful for Lewis and the wonderful staff who helped to make the surprise so special.


Haley and Jarrod

Haley and Jarrod met during their time at Texas A&M in College Station. Quickly, they realized that this could be a great relationship,and Jarrod met Haley's parents only five days after meeting at a Valentine's Day baseball game. A week after that, they started officially dating.

Three years (and some change) later, Jarrod and Haley got engaged in New Orleans under the Tree of Life. They are planning to have their wedding on Haley's grandparents anniversary and are very excited to start their married life together.

Britt and Tracy

From the moment they met, it was clear to everyone that Tracy and Britt shared a special connection. It was love at first sight, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. Their relationship, which began almost two years ago, has been a testament to the power of love, trust, and unwavering support for one another.

This unforgettable moment in their love story took place during a breathtaking vacation in Fiji and Bora Bora, where the pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic proposal. Britt, with a heart full of love and anticipation, got down on one knee to ask the most important question of his life, and Tracy's joyful "Yes!" sealed the deal.

As they embark on this exciting journey towards marriage, Tracy and Britt are overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and support they have received from their family and friends. They cannot wait to celebrate this special occasion with their loved ones and continue building a life filled with happiness, adventure, and endless love.

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